This company is devoted to offering essential devices to support birth scenarios worldwide,providing low cost, safe and effective health technology to improve access to essential maternal and neonatal care at birth.
We have many stories to tell from our experiences facing the users needs at birth in places like Brazil, Malawi, Mozambique, and India. Such involment in real scenario directed us to early define problems and design requirements of our technology with the orientation to low-resources birth settings. We were touched by lost lives at birth due to lack of appropriate facilities.
This company is devoted to offering essential devices to support birth scenarios worldwide, helping children to survive the first day of life providing health technology to prematurity detection. The Preemie-Test was designed to offer a low-cost, safe and effective technology to improve access to essential neonatal care at birth.
Equipe de projeto executivo
Advisory board member
Administrative Assistant - BR
A BirthTech é uma spinoff licenciada pela universidade para reter a propriedade de uma inovação e introduzi-la no mercado em cooperação com seus parceiros.